Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tom's Poetry Corner

Greetings Fellow Bloggies/Blogettes! Today I would like to share with you two very special literary works that I hold, oh so close, to my life vessel - My Heart!

1st Piece of Literal Culinary Work that nourishes the depths of my soulful being:

"Why Can't I Skate?"
by Thomas G. Barker
With My Two Legs I walk, I run
I jump, I skip, I play, Have Fun
But on the ice their existence ceases
As I lay flat between the creases
The Puck is passed from left to right
As, with my legs, I continue to fight
Why, Oh Why, can't I skate?
Who is to blame, myself or fate?
Whatever the case, I do declare
I least I have my Hockey Hair!
2nd Linguistically Colourful and Rhythmically Challenged Masterpiece:
"Ode to You Zamboni Guy"
by Thomas G. Barker
Ode to you Zamboni Guy
With your Magic Machine on which you fly!
Your graceful dance, hypnotic it seems
As you prep the ice between the screams.
Those lengthily nights where you sweep and pry
A thankless job to the passer by.
But Deep in your soul the truth lays low
For the Ice helps to make the players grow!
With attentive eyes and detailed care
The Ice built perfect, layer 'pon layer.
As the players come to take the ice
They scurry around like little mice.
Your reward is simple, yet discrete:
The smile from players of which you meet.
Ode to You Zamboni Guy
With your Magic Machine on which you fly!
With You I share my deepest pride.
P.S. When will I get to have a Ride?
Until next blog,
Cheer Loud, Cheer Long, Cheer Often!

1 comment:

Brent Seaton said...

Job well done Sir Tom!!!
You're a true poet in disguise.
Keep up the great work!