Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And the Winner Is...
By Thomas G. Barker

Greetings Fellow Bloggies/Blogettes! I would like to begin by noting the plethora of blogging sustenance that currently blankets the Hockey World. Where do I begin? As I look around the room for an appropriate setting to set the proverbial anchor (to stop my illusive ship of imagination from sailing beyond the point of no return), I realize why not just start writing! I can then skillfully dissect the literary dissertation through the process known as "editing" with the end result being a more jumbled piece than what was originally created! Satisfied with my great reasoning, I commence!

The Hockey Hall of Fame has announced its 2010 inductees which include some long awaited selections. From the builder's category: Jim Devellano and D.C. "Doc" Seaman are to be inducted in November 2010. From the player's category: all-star Dino Ciccarelli has been selected along with Angela James and Cammi Granato. What makes the later two inductees so special is they are the first ever women inductees into the Hockey Hall of Fame! I would like to congratulate all the 2010 inductees on behalf of myself and Hockey Heritage North!

Tonight is also a special night from the NHL's perspective! Tonight is the 2009-2010 NHL Awards Night whereby the League honors its top players, coaches, officials and teams in great style and fashion. There will be super shiny trophies, music, and more! With such a developed and skilled class of players to choose from, there will be some difficult choices to be made in the selection of some of the award recipients. I wish everyone good luck and look forward to seeing who lands what tonight! Oh ya, and I also look forward to the snacks I will be having as I watch the awards night! I may also award my roomie (aka my mom) with an inaugural (and long overdue) award - The "Tiny Tommy" Trophy - for the Consistently Loudest Live (and televised) Sports Mother of the Year! Congratulations mom - You Are The Best!

Well, I must continue on with my daily scheduled workload! I bid you adieu!

Until the next blog,

Cheer Loud, Cheer Long, Cheer Often!

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